Kubernetes Volumes : EmptyDir


2 min read

Kubernetes Volumes : EmptyDir


Kubernetes volumes are a key feature of the Kubernetes container orchestration platform that enables containers to store and access data.

A volume in Kubernetes provides a way to persist data beyond the lifetime of a single container and enables data sharing and communication between containers within a pod.

Emptydir is a temporary volume that exists only during the lifetime of a pod.

It can be used to share the data between two multi-container pods.

Internal Workflow and EmptyDir Volume Example

In the above example, We create the multi-container pod in which one container will print the current date in a file and another container will use the file as a webpage.

  1. Number of nodes

     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air ~ % kubectl get nodes
     NAME       STATUS     ROLES           AGE   VERSION
     master     Ready      control-plane   58d   v1.26.3
     worker01   Ready      <none>          58d   v1.26.3
     worker02   Ready      <none>          58d   v1.26.3
  2. Create MultiContainer Pod (Debian and Nginx).

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Pod
       name: mc1
       - name: html
         emptyDir: {}
       - name: 1st
         image: nginx
         - name: html
           mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
       - name: 2nd
         image: debian
         - name: html
           mountPath: /html
         command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
           - while true; do
               date >> /html/index.html;
               sleep 1;
     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air kubernetes_volumes % ka empty_dir_example.yaml
     pod/mc1 created
     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air kubernetes_volumes %
  3. Kubernetes will create the Emptydir volume in the worker node based on the pod scheduled. Here, Pod scheduled in the worker01 node so we logged in using ssh and will verify the Emptydir.

    Let's identify the Pod ID to identify the empty dir.

     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air ~ % kubectl get po mc1 -o yaml | grep uid
       uid: 903cc457-1f31-4020-bd22-331adf89eda7
     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air ~ %
     root@worker01:~# cd /var/lib/kubelet/pods/903cc457-1f31-4020-bd22-331adf89eda7/volumes/kubernetes.io~empty-dir/
     root@worker01:/var/lib/kubelet/pods/903cc457-1f31-4020-bd22-331adf89eda7/volumes/kubernetes.io~empty-dir# ls -lrt
     total 4
     drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 May 28 17:35 html
  4. In nginx pod, We mounted the volume in the "mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html". so we can exec and identify the index.html created.

     arun@Aruns-MacBook-Air ~ % kubectl exec -it mc1 -c 1st -- bash
     root@mc1:/# ls -lrt /usr/share/nginx/html
     total 24
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18618 May 28 17:46 index.html
  5. Once Pod, We deleted emptydir also will be removed in worker node.


    End. Thanks!

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